

Palace Domaniowski is an oasis of quietness and comfort. It is located by the Domaniowski Lagoon - the largest and the cleanest reservoir in the southern Mazowsze. This beautiful place is located in the centre of Poland, where long history mix with modern days and luxury.


The thoroughly renovated Palace Domaniowski

The thoroughly renovated Palace Domaniowski in Konary is one of the most valuable historical monuments in South Mazovia, located in the middle of charming natural landscape of Radomka river basin, directly at the shore of the largest water basin in this area – Domaniowski Lagoon.

Konary appears in the pages of history at the beginning of 15th century as the estate of Firlej (Konarski) family. They administered the property until 1540. Since that year, as a result of a sale of a part of their vast property, Konary got in the hands of Piotr Kochanowski.

The new owner of Konary estate, father of the most famous Polish poet of the Renaissance period – Jan Kochanowski, very skilfully administered the former Firlej property, which systematically became larger and larger. After the death of his parents, poet`s brother Piotr resided in the estate. Although Jan Kochanowski didn`t live in Konary permanently, he was a frequent visitor to the family property. He returned to Konary at the beginning of 1550 and stayed there for over two years in order to settle the inheritance matters after the death of his father.

At this point, it is worth to mention the wife of Jan Kochanowski, Dorota Podlodowska, who originated from Przytyk.

After the war, Konary was nationalized, the land became the property of the local State Farm, and the Helblich Manor fell more and more into disrepair. At the beginning of 21st century, the former estate of Kochanowski and Helblich families was in the state of complete ruin; it was the total denial of its former glory. Changes were initiated by the new owner, who was fascinated by the history of that exceptional place on the map of Mazovia. After much effort and arduous revitalization, the residence of the pioneer of Polish surgery erected in 1870, invites you into its hospitable interior.Palace Domaniowski, which was opened in 2012, will enable you to travel back in time to the most beautiful period of Polish history, when the manor house of Polish nobility was the centre of colourful life, lived in accordance with the rhythm of nature, as well as the place, where every traveller wandering through the borderland of South Mazovia could find a hospitable shelter.